Introducing my

Moon Manifesting Workbook!

The Moon Manifesting Workbook is a guide to using the eight lunar phases to find your flow and connect with your power to create success in your life.

It is a 30-page PDF e-book emailed to you upon purchase.

  • the Moon Manifesting Workbook

    the New Moon is for Wishing

    Set aside some time on the New Moon to relax, meditate and journal your thoughts and reflections.   It is not a day for achievement - that energy will arrive later in the cycle. 

    The New Moon is for wishing - not planning or strategizing. 

  • Moon Manifesting: Full Moon for Honoring

    the Full Moon is for Honoring

    Full Moons are notoriously BIG energy.

    Just like the ocean’s high-tide, the water in our body swells by the pull of the Full Moon, and this manifests in us as a swelling of emotion.

    The effect is that we experience a moment of deep clarity and insight into our existence.  Are we living in alignment with our soul-path?  Or have we strayed off-course?

  • Moon Manifesting Workbook

    The Moon is for making wishes come true!

    Cartier is an Astrologer, Moon-wanderer, Human Design aficionado and a Nature Lover.

    The Moon Manifesting Workbook is an introduction to using the Moon’s phases for personal empowerment