What I wish every counselor, therapist, healer and coach knew about Human Design
A Human Design “Body-Graph” Chart showing the 9 energy centers, the 12 zodiac signs and the 64 Gates of the I-Ching.
Human Design changed my life. I wish with all my heart I had discovered Human Design 15 years earlier because it might have saved me a lot of needless suffering. You see, I am one of the less common Human Design types and I spent a sizeable chunk of my early adulthood trying to figure out why I was so darn different from everybody else - why things that were so easy for other people were near impossible for me and why I felt so unwell all the time.
Had I understood my Human Design type, I might’ve been less hard on myself and learned more quickly what I need to feel good, to enjoy my life and to find the success I was seeking. Instead I pushed myself deeper and deeper into depression and shame. So many jobs didn’t work out before I learned that I was not designed for work. I filled my schedule with so many tasks and goals before I learned how much rest I require to function properly. So many times I felt disheartened when I went for it! and it didn’t work out….
Had I understood my Human Design strategy and authority, I could’ve been untangling the knots of my conditioning instead of feeling hopeless over what I was just not so good at. I would’ve waited for clarity instead of making those impulsive, costly purchases that ended up just sinking me into debt. I would’ve recognized that the bitterness in my heart I felt towards the World was my body trying to tell me I needed to change.
My journey towards truly loving my life has been a harrowing one with many pitfalls into poor mental health. Though I did from time to time find genuine solace in the chair of a compassionate clinical social worker, I hit a lot of dead-ends in the realm of mainstream mental health care that were costly in time, money and personal morale. Had any of the doctors, therapists, counselors and social workers known about Human Design, they might’ve of truly helped me heal.
Because this part of my personal story was so devastatingly painful for so many years, I am inspired to offer these introductory 8-points into what Human Design has to say. My hope is that doctors, therapists, counselors and social workers will be inspired to explore Human Design deeply so they might help the next poor, lost, exhausted Projector who lands in their chair actually feel some validation and hope.
Here are the points:
1. Human Design charts a person’s energy field (their aura) and how they align with energy that is natural for them. When a person lives in alignment with their energy, good health, abundance and happiness flow through their lives effortlessly.
2. Each of the aura-types has a specific strategy for navigating life in an aligned way, and each individual is equipped with an intuitive mechanism that is in charge of their decision-making process. This intuitive mechanism is NEVER the mind.
3. There are 5 different aura-types for human beings: 70% of the population are Generator-types – this means they are either pure Generators or Manifesting Generators, with these two subtypes split down the middle at about 35% each. Generator-types are defined by their ability to generate “life force energy”. This energy gives them motivation and drive to work and produce. The life force energy produced by Generator-types naturally in their body fuels social momentum across the planet, for good when the energy is aligned and for struggle when it is not. Generators wake up each morning with their energy renewed.
4. The other 3 types do not produce “life force energy” on their own, yet they are affected by it in the environment. Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors combined make up just 30% of the human population and each plays an essential role. Each of these types requires significantly more rest than the Generators because their energy levels do not automatically renew each day.
5. Projectors are the second majority, making up 20% of the human population. They are by far the most sensitive of the aura types and they are designed to use their sensitivity to guide the Generator-types. Projectors have varying energy levels by design and require ample rest and downtime to be healthy. They are not designed to work in a traditional sense, so a regular 9-5 job is likely to deplete them and burn them out at even a young age. Once they hit burnout, the recovery process for a Projector can be harrowing.
6. At about 9% of the population, Manifestors are here to do their own thing. Their aura channels divine inspiration and creativity and they are here to initiate their vision into reality. Because they are here to act decisively on their own inspiration, Manifestors are not introspective types. They prefer to be informed by others and not asked questions. For example, say to a Manifestor, “I’m going to buy tickets to tonight’s show,” instead of “Would you like to go to the show tonight?”. If a Manifestor is inspired to do something, they will do it. Their only responsibility is to inform others of their intent so others can get out of their way and let them do it.
7. The rarest type, at less than 1% of the population, are Reflectors. They are here to perceive the World at a profoundly deep and nuanced level and yet have the super-power to not be personally entangled by it. Because of their depth, there is a lot of variability in their sensation and perception and this is aligned for them. In light of this, they need much more time than others to make clear decisions about what is right for them. They are advised to wait a full Moon-cycle before making any life-altering choices.
8. 50% of the population, regardless of aura-type, is “emotionally defined” which means they naturally produce waves of feeling and emotion in their bodies. These waves have highs and lows, reflecting the experience of having different moods. The other 50% of the population who is not “emotionally defined” is naturally empathic – picking up on and amplifying the emotional energy around them and often experiencing it as if it were their own.
The best way to start using Human Design to improve your life and the lives of those you counsel, heal and guide is to learn a person’s specific strategy for their design type and the authority function of their specific chart. Once a person starts utilizing these decision-making tools in their life, alignment starts to happen and things get easier. This has been my experience and the experience of thousands of people Worldwide who are using Human Design to improve their circumstances and create joy in their lives.
My love letter to Human Design Projectors
My dear Projector,
This World belongs to you, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
The World’s tragedies come from other people’s imbalances and indiscretions.
You were sent to clean it up.
You are the future living in the now, opening passages and portals to a new way of being.
When you rest, when your potent stillness radiates, you calm ripples of chaos even in far off lands.
For you are the meek one who inherits the Earth.
~ Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth ~ Matthew 5:5 ~
Not that you are meek per se, yet gentle- spirited.
You are the embodiment of the sweetness of existence.
You are the light of the sacred way when you give yourself permission to shine.
It is your nature to wrap yourself around other people because the nectar of life oozes inside you and you must share it.
If they abuse you, use you and misuse you it is because they don’t really see you.
Recognition is key. This is your true authority over who is to be in your life.
If they forget your name,
Forget to call you back,
Forget to invite you,
Don’t include you,
Forget to ask for your advice,
And make you feel anything less than success - they are not for you.
You alone are the gatekeeper.
When someone sees you so fully and deeply their invitation to you lights you up inside, this is them presenting you their key and asking for a glimpse inside the rose garden of your soul.
Wait for this. It’s worth it. Everything that is sacred and true about humankind lives on the other side of your garden.
All else will be lost when the World shifts.
Those who misuse you will be lost - they already are. Pay them no mind.
If life today hurts, tires you, exhausts you & bitters you it’s because you are doing a good job of carefully guarding your garden against the mongrels of ego.
Let all that go. Your real job is nothingness.
Choose the sweetness .
Be who you are without worry.
Follow your heart without consequence.
Study in depth whatever discipline moves you because that’s the language you are here to speak.
Your aura, as vast as a lake, rests just beyond the veil.
Only your initiates perceive it.
Wait for them to come. They will present the key. The key, their true recognition of you, will unlock the sweet honey of your nature, drawing them in.
They will be transformed.
It’s true, some will taste your sweetness and feel afraid. They will turn and run from you. Allow them to leave. It’s simply that they are not ready. Still entrapped in their buzzing ego they have more work to do before they can cross the threshold that you truly beckon.
You are the lighthouse guiding the way. Some ships will wreck on rocks. The future is only for the few. Leave the rest, it’s all you can do.
(Are you a Projector or do you love one? I offer Human Design readings customized to awaken your special magick. DM me for more details).
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